Five new papers in 2020

CLIMB was acknowledged in five papers already in 2020!

Ibrahim Besler and colleagues published on PHAGE the genome sequence and characterisation of a coliphage.

Laura Glendinning and colleagues published the assembly of hundreds of novel bacterial genomes from the chicken caecum on Genome Biology.

Muhammad Yasir and colleagues published on Genome Research novel mechanisms of triclosan action and resistance, identified using TraDIS-Xpress, a high-resolution whole genome assay.

Two new preprints are available on bioRxiv: one from Jonathan S. Abrahams and colleagues, who describe that duplications drive diversity in Bordetella pertussis on an underestimated scale, the other from Aurelija M. Grigonyte and collegues, who made a comparison of CRISPR and marker based methods for the engineering of phage T7.