Bidding farewell to Mavis: A dynamic project manager takes flight!

Today, we say goodbye to Mavis Foster-Nyarko, an incredible project manager who made a lasting impact on the CLIMB-BIG-DATA project. Despite working with us only one day a week, Mavis brought unwavering dedication, organisational brilliance, and a warm presence to our team.

Mavis’s attention to detail and meticulous planning ensured our meetings, events, and training sessions ran smoothly. She effortlessly balanced multiple responsibilities, including making sure our expenses were on track.

But Mavis’s impact went beyond logistics. Her passion for her work inspired us all. She fostered collaboration, encouraged open communication, and motivated us to aim higher.

As Mavis moves on to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, we’re both sad to see her go and excited for her next chapter. We know she’ll continue to make a difference with her skills and determination.

Farewell, dear Mavis, we are grateful for the journey we shared. May your future be as bright as the impact you’ve made.