CLIMB at the Microbiology Society Annual Meeting

The Microbiology Society meeting will host, on Friday April 13, in the afternoon, a MRC-CLIMB workshop that will provide hands-on training on the use of the Infrastructure. Attendees are asked to bring their own laptops to the workshop.

Full programme is available in the Microbiology Society Annual Conference website.

This half-day session will provide an introduction to CLIMB for any new users, including how to set up and manage accounts and instances, as well as run through the various pipelines that are pre-installed with a CLIMB instance. The workshop will take new users through how to perform work on CLIMB via hands-on guided sessions.

In parallel, experienced CLIMB users will also have the opportunity to learn how to launch and configure more bespoke instances and to learn about new functionality being implemented to support very large data analysis and Docker containers.

Finally, we will host a structured discussion for users to report their experiences with CLIMB and to help shape the future development of the platform.

Update 13/04/2018: slides from the workshop

Mark Pallen: Intro to CLIMB, opening talk.

Matt Bull: Technical Intro to Cloud

Nick Loman: Big Data and Containers

Sion Bayliss: Basics of Microbial Bioinformatics

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